Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Outline on the Epistle of James

Living Faith

I.          Living Faith: Surviving Under Pressure (1:1-18)
A.  Surviving Under the Pressure of Daily Trials (1:1-12)
1. Joy is commanded. (v.1)
2. Trials are diverse. (v.2)
3. Trials have a purpose. (vv.3-4)
4. Wisdom is needed and available. (vv.5-8)
5. Trials affect everyone regardless of status (vv.9-11)
6. Endurance produces the victor’s reward (v.12)
B.  Surviving Under the Pressure of Evil Temptations (1:13-18)
1. God is not the source of evil temptations. (v.13)
2. The process of temptation is explained. (vv.14-15)
3. God is the source of everything good. (vv.16-18)
II.        Living Faith: Overcoming Trials & Temptations (1:19-27)
A.  Overcoming God’s way, not man’s (vv. 19-20)
B.  Overcoming with God’s means (vv. 21-25)
1. Remove obstacles that hinder. (v. 21a)
2. Receive the means for victory. (v. 21b)
3. Use what is received. (vv. 22-25)
C.  Overcoming with convincing evidence (vv. 26-27)
1. Evidence includes control of one’s speech. (v. 26)
2. Evidence includes genuine compassion. (v. 27a)
3. Evidence includes a desire for purity. (v. 27b)
 III.       Living Faith: Loving Our Neighbor (2:1-13)
A.  Neighborly love avoids partiality. (vv. 1-9)
1. Partiality is forbidden for believers. (1)
2. Partiality is hypothetically illustrated. (2-4)
3. Partiality is inconsistent with life experiences. (5-7)
4. Partiality is inconsistent with the law of love. (8-9)
B.  Neighborly love fulfills God’s law. (vv. 10-13)
1. God’s law is all-encompassing. (10-11)
2. God’s law promotes love. (12-13)
IV.       Living Faith: Working It Out (2:14-26)
A.  Three Penetrating Questions (14-16)
1. What benefit is faith without works? (14a)
2. Can that kind of faith save? (14b)
3. What value are empty words? (15-16)
B.  A Practical Faith Principle (17)
C.  A Proposed Objection (18-19)
1. The objection is raised and answered. (18)
2. The objection is illustrated by a comparison. (19)
D.  Two Persuasive Demonstrations (20-25)
1. Abraham demonstrated working faith. (20-24)
2. Rahab demonstrated working faith. (25)
E.  A Positive Precept (26)

V.        Living Faith: Practicing Self-Control (3:1-18)

A.  Self-control is exhibited in speech. (1-12)
1. Careful speech is commanded. (1)
2. Speech reveals one’s level of self-control (2)
3. Notice the way control works in life. (3-5a)
4. Uncontrolled speech produces much damage. (5b-6)
5. Uncontrolled speech is inconsistent with nature. (7-12)
a. It can’t be tamed like animals. (7-8)
b. It mixes good and evil. (9-12)
B.  Self-control requires godly wisdom. (13-18)
1. Godly wisdom is revealed in conduct. (13)
2. Earthly wisdom produces evil conduct. (14-16)
3. Heavenly wisdom produces righteous conduct. (17-18)
VI.       Living Faith: Separating from Worldliness (4:1-5:6)
A.  Worldliness includes conflict and strife. (4:1-12)
1. The source and result of strife is revealed. (1-2)
2. The cause of strife is described. (3-5)
3. The remedy for strife is explained. (6-10)
4. Admonitions to avoid strife are offered. (11-12)
B.  Worldliness includes arrogant planning. (4:13-17)
1. Arrogant plans ignore key factors. (13-14)
2. Arrogant plans can be corrected. (15-17)
C.  Worldliness includes the love of luxury. (5:1-6)
1. Love of luxury produces disappointing results. (1-3)
2. Love of luxury causes injustice. (4-6)
VII.     Living Faith: Reaching the Final Goal (5:7-20)
A.  Patience is necessary to reach the goal. (7-12)
1. Patience is encouraged. (7-8)
2. Patience is practically applied. (9, 12)
3. Patience is illustrated. (10-11)
B.  Prayer is necessary to reach the goal. (13-18)
1. Prayer is appropriate for all circumstances. (13-15)
2. Prayer hindrances need to be removed. (16)
3. Effective prayer is illustrated in real life. (17-18)

C.  Even the wayward may reach the goal. (19-20)

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