Thursday, October 24, 2013

Who's Holding Who?

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This is a sermon used for "Grandparents Day" to emphasize the promises of God to hold His people unto old age.

Written Excerpts...

Isaiah 46:4 (NKJV) 4  Even to your old age, I am He, And even to gray hairs I will carry you! I have made, and I will bear; Even I will carry, and will deliver you.
I’ve already mentioned that today is celebrated as “Grandparents Day” in the U.S. One thing that grandchildren have always associated with grandparents is “old age,” even though we grandparents know that isn’t really true!
When is old age anyway? Being “old” is relative. I am sure that all of us can remember those days when we thought, “Wow, 40 years old sure seems old.” I specifically remember a time when I thought that any person who could remember things that happened 30 years ago must be pretty old. Now, I’m already in the category of people who can remember stuff that happened 50 years ago! And I’M NOT OLD YET!
I look at some of you younger people here today and chuckle to myself, because when I was your age, I used to think that someone my age was pretty old. But my word to you is this, “Don’t laugh, cause your day is coming! You’re older now than you were last year, and that is just how it happens to all of us!”
I have chosen the text in Isaiah for today’s sermon because of the reference to “old age” and I felt that it would be a relevant topic on Grandparents Day.
There are a couple of observations I want to point out as we introduce the context of our Scripture.
1. I want to acknowledge first of all that this text in verse 4 is not primarily speaking about old people, even though that is the analogy that is presented by the prophet.
If you will notice, the Lord is speaking to the entire “house of Jacob/Israel,” or, more specifically, the nation of Judah. Nations don’t get gray hair, or acquire “old age” per se. God is using figurative language here and making an analogy regarding His treatment of them as if they were individual people living long lives.
However, it is appropriate for us to take what God is saying to a nation and make spiritual applications to individuals who trust in God and believe in His Word.
2. The message of this chapter is a message of impending doom for Babylon from Cyrus, the “bird of prey” from the east. It appears that God is sending a message of comfort and hope to the remnant of the faithful in Judah in the midst of a prediction of coming destruction for their enemies.
The interesting point is that Babylon’s destruction will be coming after Judah’s destruction because of their own unfaithfulness to God.
Let us now turn our attention to the message that God is providing to His own people and notice a few prominent facts.
I. God is the one that had “carried them” from the past into the present. (v. 3b, 4b)
“… Who have been upheld by Me from birth, Who have been carried from the womb: 4… I have made, and I will bear; Even I will carry, and will deliver you.
The Lord is reminding them that He is the one who was responsible for bringing them into existence and for carrying them and caring for them up to the present.
Their very existence is owed to Him.
You know, the nation of Judah undoubtedly had the feeling from time to time that they had been the masters of their own destiny. We know from biblical history that there were times when the nation became arrogant and proud. But God is reminding them that their very existence is due to His faithfulness.
It is good for us to remember the same thing. Our very life depends on the faithfulness of God and the grace of God. The only reason we have made it to the point we are today is because of the goodness and the grace of God.
II. God is the one that will carry them and deliver them in the future. (v. 4)
“Even to your old age, I am He, And even to gray hairs I will carry you! I have made, and I will bear; Even I will carry, and will deliver you.
The Lord seems to be saying to the people of Judah, because of my faithfulness in the past, you can count on Me for the future. “I will continue to carry you right up to old age and gray hairs. I will bear you, I will carry you and I will deliver you.”
“I am He” – a very similar reference to the name God gave to Moses back in Exodus. “I am who I am.”
Cf. v. 9 – I am God… I am God… (El, and Elohim)
(Keil and Delitzsch) An earnest and thoughtful study of history would show them that Jehovah alone was El, the absolutely Mighty One, and ʾElōhīm, the Being who united in Himself all divine majesty by which reverence was evoked. (Commentary on the Old Testament – Volume 7: Isaiah.)
Dear friends, God is not only the One who got us to this point, but He is the One that is going to get us to our destination. He will bear us through the trials and carry us when we have no strength of our own. He will deliver us from every enemy.
III. God stands alone as unique in comparison to the false gods of the heathen. (v. 5)
"To whom will you liken Me, and make Me equal And compare Me, that we should be alike?”
A. False gods are made by man and carried by man.
v. 6 describes the process of giving gold and silver to the silversmith in order to mold or fashion an idol – A truly man-made god.
v.1 describes the gods of the Babylonians being carried by man and beast and weighing them down.
v. 7 describes the man-made gods being carried and carefully placed in position from which it never moves; can’t hear when people cry out to it and can’t save or deliver.
In modern American culture, people are not molding gold and silver idols so much, but they certainly are creating a host of other gods for their own pleasure and their own temporary comfort. There are plenty of other material or man-made things that people are relying on and trusting in for security and safety and deliverance.
“Some trust in chariots; we trust in the name of the Lord our God.” (Psalms) Made into a praise chorus by Steve Green (I believe.)
B. The true God made man and carries him.
See verses 3 & 4 again.
C. Other attributes of the true God.
v. 9 – He stands alone in all His attributes. There is no other god among the heathen nations than can even compare to Him.
v. 10 – He knows the end from the beginning and does what pleases Himself (matches His own nature).
v. 11 – He superintends the affairs of nations
v. 12-13 – Even when He must bring righteous judgment against His own people because of their rebellion and sin, He plans and carries out redemption and salvation for those who will trust in Him.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a grandparent, a senior saint, or a “young whipper-snapper,” God will be all you need in every stage of life.
Follow closely in faith and obedience and you will discover that “The Way of the Cross Leads Home” – p. 697

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