Friday, June 7, 2013

Abundant Life

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This is a message that is based on John 10:10 "...I am come that you might have life and that you might have it more abundantly."

Written Excerpts:

Introduction: There are a lot of changes that have taken place in our world and our society. These changes are evident not only through technology and the way we do things, but also in the behaviors of people and the level of evil we see around us.
I might cause some to be uneasy by saying this, but I imagine that most of us are extremely appalled by the scandals in our government that have recently come out into the light.
I would echo the comments of others in saying, “Sometimes it’s hard to remember that we are living in the United States of America.” I don’t think I can describe it any better than Dr. Sillings did on his facebook status on Friday night.
“Oppression by austere and unprincipled rulers in foreign countries is not approved, but expected in many cases. Intimidation, oppression and disenfranchisement of citizens by the US Government is incomprehensible to FREE men. When I was a child, I was convinced America was the greatest place on earth. Today, I have discovered I am an American, and the current government sickens me. May God have mercy on our poor, blind, benighted land. We're all upside down, discombobulated, confused, mismanaged, misled, lied to, treated like second class people, overrun by an overreaching and unprincipled and unaccountable bunch of mobbish goons. [BTW, I looked up some synonyms for the word goon and found two of the synonyms are “thugs” & “criminals”.] FREE people are not only disenfranchised, but also disenchanted. They will not be disarmed, I suspect. If God doesn't help us soon, I foresee blood in the streets.” (William Sillings, 5/17/2013)
That statement gives us just a little glimpse at the reason why we need a spiritual awakening and revival in our land. But this is not what my sermon is about. I just wanted to emphasize how much our country has changed.
However, there is one area that hasn’t changed – the longing deep within every person to live a life full of meaning, purpose, peace and fulfillment. Everyone I have ever met desires to have a life that is truly satisfying; not just merely existing.
In our text today, Jesus states it very clearly, “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” I like how it is worded in one of the newer translations. The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.” The word that is translated “abundantly” is a word that can be translated, “beyond measure” or “excessively.”
What exactly does it mean to have an abundant life?
If you ask anyone on the street that doesn’t know God or the teachings of the Bible and you might get an answer that emphasizes wealth, pleasure, adventure, excitement, etc.
For people who know the Lord and study His Word, we understand that the abundant life includes all of those things (although understood in a completely different context than perceived by non-believers), but it includes so much more than that.
With the help of God’s Spirit today, I want to speak for a while on life more abundant.
I.    To have abundant life means to be saved from death and destruction. (v.10a)
Jesus has just been comparing himself with others who had come before Him. He describes himself as the true “door of the sheep.” He says that all who have come before him were “thieves and robbers” who have come to steal, kill and destroy.
I would understand this to have a spiritual meaning. The false prophets and religious leaders have not provided spiritual life to the sheep, but have merely used them for their own selfish agenda. The end result would be death and destruction to the sheep (people).
Christ, on the other hand, comes to provide spiritual life. He rescues us from the destruction that certainly awaits every person led astray by false teaching, and empty promises.
II.   To have abundant life means to enjoy the blessings provided by our Lord. (vv. 9, 11-13, 15)
A. Christ provides “pasture.” (v. 9)
In a spiritual sense, I would understand this to mean spiritual food, blessings, and general provisions that satisfy the soul. That includes:
1. Peace (cf. Rom. 5:1) Rest from guilt, condemnation, etc.
2. Purpose (cf. Matt. 28:28; Rom. 12; 1 Cor. 12)
Various passages in Scripture reveal to us that God has a plan and purpose for each one of us. This includes the general purpose of reaching our world for Christ, as well as specific ministries and tasks he wants us to do.
The passages regarding the gifts of the spirit indicate that God has a special place for each one of us to fill within the “body” of Christ.
You will never find people who are any happier or living life more abundantly than those who have discovered God’s purpose for their life and are doing it.
3. Fulfillment
Every human being has a longing for significance. It is the longing to know that my life has made a difference. It matters not whether I am well known in the world, only that I made a difference in someone else’s life.
Whoever truly, and wholeheartedly follows the Good Shepherd, will make a difference in their world, wherever that may be. And, that realization is worth all of the trials and troubles that we may have to endure in the process.
B. Christ provides “rescue.” He not only offers us the things that truly satisfy, but He also rescues us from the things that are harmful and hurtful. (v. 11-13) Cf. v. 10a again.
I could name many close friends and even family members who did not choose to follow Jesus and the Devil has wreaked havoc in their lives with addictions, disease, and various other consequences.
None of those things were “advertised” by the Devil when he was tempting them to go the path of worldly pleasures.
“The way of the transgressor is hard.” But, Christ provides rescue and rest.
C. Christ provides eternal salvation from death. He tells them “I lay down my life for the sheep.” (v. 15)
There is a sense in which he may be still referring to the fact that he pays whatever price that is necessary to save us from the harm and hurt of sin, which we have just mentioned.
Yet, I believe he is also referring to the literal giving of his life for us. This is specifically defined later in verses 28 and 29.
I’d be dishonest if I neglected to tell you that this abundant life doesn’t mean you’ll never have suffering or adversity.
In fact, Jesus frequently told His followers that they must take up their cross to follow Him. He warned them that life would be hard. He never tried to attract people by making it sound like it would be easy and all “roses.”
However, in spite of all the adversity and suffering that a Christian may face, living with Christ and for Christ is still an abundant life that satisfies the longing of the soul.
I remember my own experience as a young person; wrestling with the decision whether to obey God or seek my own will and the pleasures of the world. The devil told me….  But after choosing to follow Christ I discovered….
If you haven’t yet discovered this abundant life, I’m happy to tell you that it is available if you will totally surrender to the Good Shepherd.
We’re going to sing an invitation song and give you an opportunity to seek the more abundant life that Jesus offers.

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