Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Lord, What Will You Have Me Do?

(To download this message, click on the title above. To listen now online, click on the play button of the audio player shown above.)

This is a message given on Sanctity of Human Life Sunday in recognition of the pro-life efforts and the landmark Roe v. Wade decision of the Supreme Court in 1973. The message was accompanied by a 10 minute clip of a video that is not part of this recording.

Written Excerpts:

Many of you probably already know that the question that I used for the title of this message is taken from the account in Acts 9 regarding the conversion of Saul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus. Saul was on the road to the city of Damascus to seek out any of the Christians he could find and bring them back to Jerusalem to be persecuted. God “arrests” him on the way and truly does get his attention. Saul immediately submits to the authority of Christ. This question illustrates the attitude he had in his heart as he decides he will now obey the Lord and follow whatever he is asked to do.
I think it is an interesting subject discussion to consider the fact that God directs him to seek out another human being for instructions and guidance rather than supernaturally giving him the information right then. After all, God is already conversing with Saul in a divine encounter, why couldn’t He just tell him what to do; what directions to follow and what to believe, etc. Instead, God sends him to the city to “look up a man who will tell what to do next.”
Our subject today is a lot different than the context of Saul’s question was. However, I think the question Saul asked is an appropriate question we all need to ask in many of the situations we face in life: “Lord, what will you have me to do?” As we consider the important subject of the “Sanctity of human life,” I am asking God, “Lord, what will you have me to do?”
There are a lot of suggestions that have been offered by men and women who are involved in the pro-life causes across America. I want to share some of these suggestions as a reminder to us that we can use our influence and our abilities to make a difference in our world.
I. Pray
Prayer may be the suggestion you expected me to mention first, but I mention it because it truly is the best course of action we can take. The Bible is full of commands for God’s people to pray for their nation and their national leaders. It also contains many examples of Divine intervention in the affairs of the world when God responds to the prayers of His people. Urging you to pray is more than just a trite request.
I don’t suppose I need to convince anyone here, but I believe that the disregard for the sacredness of human life is a spiritual problem first and foremost; more than a social problem or a political problem. I’m convinced that Satan himself is behind the devaluing of human life that we have seen take place in our country over the last few decades. Therefore, I do believe that in order to see a turnaround in our nation, we must have a spiritual awakening. It is going to take a mighty moving of God’s Spirit in our land before we will see a return to the sacredness of human life in America again.
That is the reason I believe prayer is the primary action and activity that the people of God can and must be engaged in each and every day.
         Pray for the church to come alive and be engaged.
         Pray for our governmental leaders.
         Pray for the women who are wrestling with the decision between life and death for their unborn children.
         Pray for the caring people who are involved in helping those women choose life.
We must not forget the value of prayer. God has given us the privilege of doing spiritual battle against the wickedness and evil in our world. He has also given us promises for His response to those who seek Him in prayer.
II. Get Involved
         Financially support the ministries that are reaching out to the women who are in crisis.
(Our church has been faithfully doing that; but perhaps the Lord would lay it on someone’s heart to do even more.)
         Volunteer at the ministries that are helping women.
Even if abortions become illegal again in our nation, that will not automatically end the problem and solve the issue. There will still be people who will seek for a “human solution” to their problem. The Christian community must be involved in responding to the crises that women are facing.
         Be involved in the political process
We tend to downplay this because we Christians try to avoid “mixing faith and politics.” But there is no way to get around it. This is not a “Republican vs. Democrat” issue. (Even though the Republican Party has often had pro-life language in its platform, and the Democrat Party has often had ‘pro-choice’ language in its platform.) There are still some Republicans who are pro-abortion and some Democrats who are pro-life. But every Christian should be “pro-life” in their politics.
I may get in “hot water” here with some people, but I believe that it is morally wrong for me to vote for someone who is pro-abortion, especially when that candidate is running for an office where he/she will be making laws that determine the future of the nation. Or, if it is a presidential candidate who will have the responsibility to nominate federal judges and Supreme Court justices.
This is a moral issue that I believe has brought the judgment of God to many nations in the history of the world and will bring His judgment upon America. In fact, I am personally convinced that it is only the prayers of God’s people that has spared us from His judgment up to this point.
So, there are many who merely look at abortion as a political “hot-button” issue. But it is much more than that. It is a spiritual, moral and biblical issue regarding the sacredness of human life that is created in the image of God.
One of the things I feel we need to be reminded of again today is this: Our nation did not get into this situation overnight and we will not get out of it overnight. We must be willing to stay in the “battle” for the “long haul” and not give up in discouragement.
That is easier said than done!
Lord, what will you have me to do in the efforts to reverse the killing of innocent unborn children in our nation?
Lord, what will you have me to do to reverse the moral decay of our society?
Lord, what will you have me do to demonstrate your love and grace to those who are deceived by the lies of the Devil?

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