Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Eating With Gladness

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This message was given on Jan. 29, 2017 for the worship service in which the Lord's Supper was shared at the close of the sermon.

Written Excerpts:

Acts 2:46 (NKJV) So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart

I have been doing a study for the last two weeks in our Wednesday night Bible studies on the topic of happiness, joy, blessedness, gladness, etc.
Interestingly enough, the study is the first of several I hope to do in a series I’m calling, “Christian Myths.”
Myth: God’s primary purpose for me is to make me happy.
Well, here we have a reference to some of the activities of the brand new group of Christian believers and it specifically mentions the fact that they did what they did “with gladness.”
“Gladness” – exultation, extreme joy… (Thayer, Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament) It appears 5 times in NT; trans. 3 times as gladness, 1 time as joy and 1 time as exceeding joy. (Strong’s)
Now, I do not have the time to review what we’ve talked about the last two Wednesdays, but let me simply say that gladness and happiness are not the primary objectives of a Christian, but they are the byproduct of a life that is devoted to worship and service to Christ.
Transition: For a little while this morning I want to point out several observations from Scripture in an effort to help us understand why these Christians were so happy doing what they were doing.
I.     Their whole world had been revolutionized.
Life and vocations changed
Learned so much from the Master
Discouraged and confused by death
Revived by his resurrection
Filled up with the Holy Spirit
II.    They had been actively nurturing their new faith.
v. 42 - 46
“Continued steadfastly” - means "to adhere with strength" to something,
To what?
The Apostles doctrine – teaching
To fellowship – sharing with each other as one body even in the teaching and in everything.
To breaking of bread – common meals, love feasts, Lord’s Supper
To prayers – the people spent time praying for each other but mostly that their witness would be effective and opposition would break down.
III.  They were obeying the words of the Lord.
They were no longer sitting around behind closed doors worrying about what the authorities were going to do next, as they did after the crucifixion.
They were spreading the good news, healing sick people, helping those in need.
They were remembering and celebrating the love feast, and the Lord’s Supper.
The phrase in our text says, “…they ate their meat with gladness and singleness of heart.”
The word “meat” or “food” probably means more than the Lord’s Supper but it more than likely included the Lord’s Supper.
As we partake of the Lord’s Supper here with one another today, let us do it with a heart of gladness. Let us do it with joy and rejoicing, not only for what Christ has provided for us through His sacrifice, but for all that we have enjoyed through following His will and keeping His word.

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